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Friday, May 19, 2017

This Week in Year 5

This week we did some experiments in Science.

We used a torch to see whether light could travel through different objects. For example, material, plastic board, a glass jar, and coloured paper.

We found out that the light travelled through most of these objects, except for the black coloured paper.

In Science on Friday, we looked at reflecting.We shone torches at different objects to see if they would reflect.  We were amazed at how the CD's reflected light!

On Monday, we joined Year 6 for STEM.  We had to work with a partner to make a tinfoil 'float'.  We then had to balance coins on it and see how many it would hold before it sank.

We had to think of different ways to make the 'boats'.

In English, we have been reading and writing myths.

Why Droughts Happen

Poseidon was storming down to Egpyt to confront Ra for his foolishness.  For non stop, day and night, Ra had been shining his sun in his face.  Poseidon couldn't see and couldn't watch over Greece to see if the other Gods were messing around.  He had had enough, he was willing to fight Ra till he stopped it once and for all. 

"Ra!" Poseidon roared.

"What?" Ra asked.

"Why must you shine your sun in my face?"

"No reason, I just get bored watching over Egypt, so I decided to annoy Greek Gods with my sun" Ra replied.

"Ok, I'm about to beat you so hard it might have cosmic consequences. So let's take this fight to the Earth" Poseidon exclaimed. At that moment Poseidon clicked his fingers and they teleported down to Earth.

They teleported into two human bodies. One called Jason,  one called Luke.
Poseidon was in Jason's body, Ra in Luke's.

Poseidon got his trident out and started stabbing Ra like a hunter stabs his prey and summoned Cerebeus.

Ra enchanted the sky so it wouldn't rain and soon Poseidon evaporated into the sky and Ra could run away.

So, whenever there's a drought Poseidon and Ra are fighting and Ra enchants the sky. 

By Rory Brabant

Here's Corbus and Alex performing the play "The Fairy Godfather" (based on a myth):

We have had a busy, but exciting week.