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Friday, March 16, 2018

Ti Pi Point Reptile Park

On Thursday 16th March, the whole school went to Ti Point Reptile Park. It was a long journey by bus, but it was worth it!

The owner, Ivan, showed us a couple of different reptiles. There was a Bearded Dragon, a Tuatara and a turtle.

After seeing the lizards, we went to the alligator enclosures. We were introduced to the female and male alligators. The keeper had a lot of knowledge and told us heaps of new information about the alligators. 

Their jaws are very, very strong!

After seeing the alligators we went to see the one monkey in the reptile park. Her name is Harrison. She has been at the zoo for about 34 years! 

We then went on to look for more lizards.

 Our last stop was looking at 2 babies:
A bearded dragon baby and a turtle baby. They were both tiny and incredibly cute!

The Reptile Park was a fantastic place to go to! It was very interesting and we learnt a lot about reptiles!

Friday, March 9, 2018

I am Grateful

On Wednesday afternoon, we had a think about things that made us happy, and also things that we are grateful for.

I was really impressed with the ideas the Year 5s came up with. We had had a chat about how things like X-box and Playstation are fun, but should we really be grateful for having them?

Have a read of some of our 'grateful' ideas.

Some of the class decided that they didn't want their 'gratefulness' ideas on the blog. If you would like to have a copy of the photo, let me know and I will email it to you. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Building Bridges

On Tuesday, year 5 and 6 worked together to build some bridges. First, we had a look at the different types of bridges, and watched this video clip:

Their task was simple:
Build a bridge that will carry a plastic cup filled with 300 beans.

The bridge had to be:
-At least 2 cm off the ground.

They could use:
-paper clips.

They worked very well in their groups, and everyone was talking, planning and fixing things that didn't work! There are some future engineers in these classes!