We are now back to lessons as usual, and the children have been learning lots of new and exciting things.
In English we have been exploring Myths and Legends. The class have read a variety of these and even acted some out. Here are some photos of groups of children adding more to the story of 'The Sword in the Stone'.

In Maths we have been working on Number and Place Value. This term, we have been including decimal numbers. The children have fully embraced paired games and challenges.
We are starting Science this term with our topic 'The way we see things'. We will be exploring light. So far, we have looked inside a box with various possible light sources inside, to identify which are light sources and how we know.
Year 5 are thoroughly enjoying their sessions with Gracie from Pform. Each week, they have been having drama sessions in the dance studio, with the year 4 children.
This term in Global Perspectives our topic is 'How can we stay healthy?'
The class have discussed the things we may need to stay healthy and worked in collaboration to put these things in order from the most important to least important.
Next week, we look forward to visiting Tiritiri Matangi with years 3 and 4. I hope to share some photos from this trip in our next class blog.