This week it was Maori Language Week.
Year 5 and 6 have learnt how to ask and reply to 'how are you?' in Maori.
"Kei te pehea koe?"
(How are you?)
"Kei te _________"
A possible answer to that question is:
pai (good) or hiamoe (tired). We could have also used riri (angry), hiakai (hungry), or pouri (sad).
In English we listened to the myth "Te Ika a Maui" and have created a book retelling the myth - this will be made into a photostory.
We have also started to learn to use Rakau sticks - we need to make sure we listen to the song 'E Papa Waiari' carefully to make sure we are in time.
A challenge we faced was making sure we always started to our right (so we would start at an opposite direction to our partner). Another challenge was when we were passing our rakau to our partner - we had to make sure that when we 'threw' the rakau, it wasn't flipping through the air.