Jasper and Chewie were two very cute and very fluffy Maltese/Shih Tzu cross.
Year 5 was very happy to go and meet these two gorgeous puppies. They were very cuddly and sleepy and they really enjoyed all the attention they were getting.
We had to be careful with them, because they are just little and need to be handled with care.
Jahn's mum told us that they were the size of her finger when they were born. There were 5 puppies in the litter altogether.
These types of dogs have hair instead of fur - this means they do not moult and they are also perfect for people with dog allergies!
We really enjoyed meeting the puppies and we were all tempted to keep one as a classroom mascot!
We all got a turn to hold Jasper and Chewie. Miss Halcrow wanted to take one home but they already have new homes to go to!